More than 50% of the newly diagnosed breast cancer patients are older than 65 years of age and are at a higher risk of developing cardiac toxicity from cancer therapy due to age-related risk factors, pre-existing heart disease and presence of other co-morbidities. To contribute to a better management for these patients, CARDIOCARE project has designed and delivered a holistic approach integrating advanced technological solutions:

  • Two innovative e-Health applications (eHealtHeart, ePsycHeart), coupled with wearable sensors (smartwatch, heart zone sensor, hand grip dynamometer) which allow the consistent evaluation and monitoring of patient’s heart condition an intrinsic capacity focusing on improving the Quality of Life and assist the patients in their selfcare and self-management.
  • The eCRF system in which clinicians enter the patient data from various examinations performed in the clinical centers such as cardiological examination, oncological examination, medications etc.
  • The CARDIOCARE platform which collects the data from the e-Health applications, the wearable sensors and the eCRF to be further evaluated by the clinicians. Through the data collection and analysis, several risk stratification and cardiotoxicity prediction models have been developed to assist the early diagnosis of cardiotoxicity and improve the Quality of Life.

CARDIOCARE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 945175 and is a collaborative effort from leading scientists in 7 countries across Europe (Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Slovenia, Sweden, Netherlands, and France).